Who We Are

COTAD-ED is a committee of occupational therapy educators and members of occupational therapy education programs who are passionate about JEDI, anti-racism, and anti-oppression in OT and OTA education programs and in the OT profession at large.

What we do

COTAD-ED programming includes virtual chats, online discussions, biannual COTAD-ED gatherings, mentorship, and professional consulting for program leaders or staff who are interested in improving education practices and recruiting and retaining a diverse student body.

Join us

If you’re interested in working to produce a diverse body of practitioners who hold the knowledge and skills necessary to impact change, increase equity, and optimize the experience for all clients receiving occupational therapy services, join the COTAD ED committee.

“COTAD definitely helped empower and motivate me to help raise up peoples’ voices. Thank you again for all your support throughout the last year!”

Below is a sample of the work being done by COTAD-ED. This poster was presented at the 2022 AOTA Conference in San Antonio, TX. (Scan the QR codes in each section for more info.)